Saturday, October 1, 2011

"love, disfigure, amputate"

"He is Risen" by Jack Kevorkian
"For it was in that eye, as he carried her off, that Kore saw herself reflected. It was then that this girl within the eye became the pupil for us all. As if the eye only now stormed out on a raid from the kingdom of the dead. Vision was a prey. And the eye pounced from the shadows to capture a girl and shut her away in the underworld palace of the mind. The meaning of Kore in Hades' eye is twofold: on the one hand, insofar as Kore sees herself in her abductor's eye, she discovers reflection, duplication the moment in which conciousness observes itself: and paradoxically that duplicated gaze is also the ultimate of visions; it can't be divided up anymore, for every further division would merely be a confirmation of the first. (210)"
My thoughts after class Thursday September 29:  listening to acid bath on the way home, music swirling in and out of myth and dreams. thoughts of bozeman, my home. is it oz? and ozzy well he is relevant because his wife sharon is the man behind the curtain. i had a dream when i was 8yrs old that has never left me. it was before school and i was on the north playground at longfellow elementary when armed men dressed in black swat apparel and ski masks invaded the playground, ordering all of us to line up in front of the building.. i reach for my back pack and find that my milk has has spilled all over inside of it. while all of the other children lined up as instructed, i was shaking the milk out of my back pack by the seesaws. suddenly the leader of the armed masked men approached me it was bill cosby. our eyes met briefly then he stabbed me in the thigh and i exploded into a fountain of blood. oz does not change or does it? is bozeman...dax screams "her chin is wet with some one's hate, love, disfigure, amputate"...wait a minute wasn't there a nordic creation story about hate, jealousy, and dismemberment? isn't rape a vehicle of both separation and initiation? all systems shut down and i become possessed by this lyric. it is origin stories about dismemberment and monsters. it is the separation of the egg or amorphous blob. it is a painting by jack kevorkian. it is apollo and his lyre, it is the "unending gifts the gods enjoy and the sufferings of men". it is separation, initiation, and transformation hitting me all at once, making perfect sense, and like all things mythological absolutely true and absolutely everywhere. love is separation, initiation is pain and pain disfigures, transformation involves amputation of sorts and often a return to the amputated. it is the marriage of cadmus and harmony, the last time the gods celebrated alongside humans. the gods loved us and we loved them, this love separated us and our relationship with the gods disfigured, in order to achieve transformation we amputated ourselves from the gods (or did they amputate themselves from us?) i get the oz thing but i don't like it. people move here because they love it. their presence and what it brings disfigures the valley and then they leave (others replace them) and amputate themselves from the valley. the valley itself is transformed. bozeman is enchanted though we even used to have our very own leprechaun, tommy. what was it that tommy used to say..phantasm....that's it phantasmagorical! a sequence of real or imaginary images like that seen in a dream. phantasmagorical.

So those are my thoughts on our last class meeting and Dr. Sexson that is the paiting I was telling you about, now to read some of my classmates blogs, which to be honest i haven't done at all yet. I'm currently closing out Cadmus and Harmony, starting The Magus, and reading Eliade.

Class notes 9/29
Sacrifice= to make sacred
Dionysus- destroys order
Hero's solve the problems of the beginnings. ex. the slaying of the Minotaur born of an unnatural union
Creation:  4. male god creates by voice
                3. created from the body of a goddess
                2. created by female with male counterpart usually a snake
                1. created by female alone

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